Dec 7, 2023
In this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast I speak to Nikki and Sean, a married couple who share the poignant story of going through Nikki’s discovery of a genetic mutation and facing the shocking news of breast cancer.
It is who we meet through our own breast cancer Journey that has a profound impact on a person’s personal life. Nikki and Sean are two of those people in my life. We experience a range of emotions together throughout the podcast because we have known each other for some time. This story needs to be shared in as much as it was difficult at times for us all.
Nikki and Sean give us an honest, raw, touching account of not only learning she had a genetic mutation putting her at high risk of getting breast cancer but also finding out after prophylactic DIEP flap breast reconstruction she found her own breast cancer. What is it like as a couple to hear the news, share it with two young sons, find the humor in life while facing breast cancer, and how they pulled each other through it all. They talk about surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and recovery and survivorship.
There are valuable resources we wish to share with you that we spoke about in the podcast. You can gain access to all of them in the following links.
Outdoor Adventure for Young Adults Living with Cancer and MS